Which notice periods must be observed?
An insurance for medical expenses is initially taken out for a period of two years. The first insurance year commences on the date specified in the insurance policy and ends on December 31 of that year. The following insurance years coincide with the calendar years. Insurance contracts can be terminated from the end of the insurance year (i.e. on December 31 of any year, but not before the end of the second year of insurance) with a notice period of 30 days. The notice has to be received by DKV Luxembourg by December 1 of the respective year at the latest.
A daily sickness allowance insurance is initially taken out for a period of one year. The insurance year commences on the date specified in the insurance policy and ends after 12 months. Insurance contracts can be terminated from the end of the insurance year with a notice period of 30 days. The termination must always be in writing and signed by the policy holder.